Lake Ariel Realty

Five Ways to Add Chic Vibes to Your Bathroom
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 months ago

Looking to add some fresh, chic touches to your bathroom? Below are a few ways you can add a little oomph to your powder room.


Climbing plants. Climbing vines indoors can add a jungly, naturalistic element to your space. Some of the coolest vines for interiors are ivy, heartleaf philodendron, jasmine and betel leaf plant.

Art. Don’t be afraid to add some unique art to your bathroom! A cool painting or sculpture can make a great focus piece.

Lighting options. From an interesting lighting fixtu...
Homeowners: How to Clean Your Air Conditioner Yourself
CENTURY 21 Select Group 8 months ago

If you don't clean your outdoor air conditioner unit often enough, debris will block the airflow and the unit will release it more slowly.  Then, the air conditioner will take longer to cool your home, forcing you to turn the temperature lower and lower.  Getting your air conditioner professionally cleaned is expensive, but you can do it yourself to save money! 

Gather the proper tools.

Look into your air conditioner’s manufacturing information. It’ll list recommendations for the brand or style...
Four Home Projects to Invest in This Year
CENTURY 21 Select Group 11 months ago

You probably don’t wake up every morning and think, “How can I invest in my home today?” But it is something you should keep at the forefront of your mind if you want to improve both your quality of life and your financial future.

Here are some of the best projects to invest in if you’re looking to get the biggest bang for your buck:

Flooring options

It’s no secret that a house with hardwood floors is a hot commodity, but whether or not your current residence has them, it’s advised that you...
Easy Kitchen Hacks to Help Save on Groceries
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

There is little that home cooks can do about rising prices at the local market, but there are plenty of ways to make your grocery fund go further. Check out a few of these simple kitchen hacks to save pennies that add up to dollars.

Grate your own cheese. You pay big time for the convenience of pre-grated cheese. Buy an economical chunk of cheddar, or whatever type of cheese you like, and grate it yourself. Freeze what you don’t need right away so you’ll always have some on hand.

Chop and freez...
Top Tips for a Functional Kitchen
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

The kitchen may be where you spend the most time in your house. If you're cooking for yourself or your family, you want to make sure your kitchen is fully functional for your needs. If you're not feeling very efficient, what are some things you can do to change the layout for better functionality? Here are a few simple tips:

The triangle

If you talk to any ergonomic or design expert, they'll tell you that the triangle is the best design for a kitchen. But what does that mean? The stove, sink an...
Maximize Your Entryway or Mudroom for Fall
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

The fall often brings cozy decor, tasty food, and fun celebrations into your home—but it can also be a time for tracking in wet leaves, mud, and other markers of the changing weather. Keeping up with maintenance in your mudroom or entryway is of the utmost importance to prevent any potential damage to your interior.



If you don’t already have a dedicated mudroom, you can still reap the benefits of upgrading your entryway for the season ahead.

Wipe your feet  

The top reason why outside elemen...
Down to One Income? It's Not the End of the World
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

If you purchased your home as a two-income family, the prospect of living on only one income can be daunting if not downright scary.

But don’t despair if a sudden job loss, a new baby, or some other life circumstance is putting you in that position. Take a deep breath, take some time to consider, and review these tips from Parents Magazine:

Cut back – This may seem elementary, but many couples who have been living with spare cash may not have a clue where to start. Begin by keeping a written a...
Leo Giombetti
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